Saturday 8 August 2009

Not even a stone in your shopping bag?

Well, this material should be easy to find for very little money. As long as there are stone carvers and stone masons in your area, you will be able to get some off-cuts for free. Don’t forget that in their yard, stone masons don’t have much space for the stones they don’t want. Why? When they have to restore a cathedral for example, they buy blocks of stones direct from the quarry. Each piece is about 3-25t. To carve each piece, they saw these huge blocks in smaller blocks to suit their needs. Even if they will try as hard as possible to maximize the cuts to use as much material as they can, they will have to get rid of material they can’t use for the near future, and can’t store for too long. In the end, they skip what you want: freshly quarried blocks of good stone, with possibly all faces saw cut which is perfect for any job.

That's it for today.
Fred Stone

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